Ceramic Studio
Milan Klika, academic painter
Vladislava Kuřátková, academic painter
Kramolná 1221/26
193 00 Horní Počernice
Praha - The Czech Republic
tel./fax: +420 281 925 371
e-mail: klikakuratkova@gmail.com
Website: www.bonsai-keramik.com

The artists Milan Klika and Vladislava Kuřátová present their ceramic works under this brand.

On top of free painting, ceramics are the main focus of their work. They create a lot of work for architecture, particularly art solutions for walls as well as furnishing rooms with decorative ceramic.

Both the artists have a deep relation with nature. Thanks to this, they have been dealing with bonsai and particularly their pots since 1984. Animate and apparently inanimate nature, mainly trees and stones, more and more define their focus. The combination of ceramics and tree, two primeval materials, takes most of the graphic art invention. The authors collaborate with top Czech and foreign growers in the creation of magnificent bonsai. High burnt quality pots with the brand of this studio can be found in many collections of bonsai and bowl lovers throughout Europe.

One part of their creative effort is regular attendance at important domestic and foreign exhibitions.

Many of their activities are devoted to supporting the bonsai movement and tight collaboration with The Czech Bonsai Association. The creators are involved in editing Bonsai magazine.